Vice-Principal of Engineering College

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Message From Vice-Principal

A warm welcome to all of you.
You are now a privileged students of the prestigious Faculty of Applied Sciences in this esteemed Institution It gives me great pleasure to welcome you at this important juncture of your lives, where you take a decisive step towards your future.Dedicated to preparing our students to become young professionals whose activities will contribute to the betterment of our society, our institute offers extensive choice to the students. We provide them not only with applied learning experiences in preparation for a variety of professional careers but also with theoretical approaches to prepare them to be competitive in occupational as well as in academic markets.

Since core competencies such as language skills, (e.g.English), Mathematics,Physics and Chemistry are highly sought after by the working community, the students in our programs do have to take these compulsory courses in addition to pursuing their individual interests.

We have an outstanding faculty and staff, world class facilities and equipment, innovative curricula, and an infrastructure and campus that support unparalleled academic experiences. Our academic experiences occur inside and outside the classroom, academically and socially, and personally and professionally.

The applicability and practicality of our courses provide the students with the necessary skills to face their future with confidence. We, in the faculty, believe in application. We choose to differ from the conventional methods and that has become our greatest strength.

It is common knowledge that “The foundation of every state is the education of its youth”. The Faculty of Applied Sciences strives to accomplish the successful education of youth. We, as facilitators, offer you the opportunity to achieve your goals. Make the best of the resources made available to you. On behalf of the faculty, I welcome you all. I wish you success.


Mr. S.S. Sekhon

Phone – 8427222004

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