About Department
The Department has eminent and highly motivated faculty having doctoral research experience and a focus on research in the current areas of power system optimization and electric machine design. The Department is well-equipped with spacious classrooms and modern laboratories to provide quality teaching and research opportunities for students to nurture their future under supervision and friendly arena developed by the faculty members.
Message from H.O.D
Er. Amandeep Singh
Associate Professor
Perfection is the state of being complete, impeccable and being at the pinnacle of our chosen profession. We at Department of Electrical Engineering are passionate about creating Perfect Engineers to serve the society and humanity.
I look forward to working with colleagues and friends, as well as exploring new opportunities, and take the privilege to welcome you all to the Department of Electrical Engineering. The department seeks to provide an academically conductive environment that can expose students to the quality education and 360 degree growth of the students. The Department of Electrical Engineering concentrates on sharpening the technical abilities of the young professionals by creating very strong academic bone with highly qualified and experienced faculty members. A constant exposure to corporate realities through project base training, expert lectures, and technical and non technical club activities makes the student ready to accept challenges before they commence their professional careers. Our objective is not to merely produce professionals capable to serve their own needs but Endeavour to serve the society with great concern for human values.
We have a dedicated Training and Placement Cell, which works continuously to train students as per the standards of Industry and place them in reputed companies. I assure you that we will try our level best to maximize student’s participation in all the activities of the department and will keep the administration transparent. I wish success to all students in their endeavor to join us on the journey of quality education & to have a great learning experience with my excellent, loving & caring team.
Faculty & Staff
# | Name | Designation | Qualification | Essential Qualification | Photograph | Resume | Pay Scale | Monthly Emoluments | Name of the Bank | Address | Account No. |
1 | Mr. Amandeep Singh | Associate Professor & Head | M. Tech. | M. Tech. | ![]() |
Download | 15600 – 39100 + 9000 AGP | 49400 | Indian Bank | Rupnagar | 6407636984 |
2 | Mr. Ranjit Kumar Bindal | Associate Professor | M. Tech. | M. Tech. | ![]() |
Download | 15600 – 39100 + 8000 AGP | 38994 | Indian Bank | Rupnagar | 969477776 |
3 | Mr. Satvinder Singh | Assistant Professor | M. Tech. | M. Tech. | ![]() |
Download | 15600 – 39100 + 6000 AGP | 22420 | Indian Bank | Rupnagar | 6062186182 |
4 | Mr. Parminder Singh | Assistant Professor | M. Tech. | M. Tech. | ![]() |
Download | 15600 – 39100 + 6000 AGP | 24668 | Indian Bank | Rupnagar | 6257395990 |
5 | Ms. Hardeep Kaur | Assistant Professor | M. Tech. | M. Tech. | ![]() |
Download | 8000 – 275 -13500 | 16546 | Indian Bank | Rupnagar | 794871531 |
6 | Mr. Navdeep Singh | Assistant Professor | M. Tech. | M. Tech. | ![]() |
Download | 15600 – 39100 + 6000 AGP | 21530 | Indian Bank | Rupnagar | 6062200175 |
7 | Ms.Ekta Sharma | Assistant Professor | M. Tech. | M. Tech. | ![]() |
Download | 15600 – 39100 + 6000 AGP | 21600 | Indian Bank | Rupnagar | 6460580050 |
Technical Staff
# | Name | Designation | Qualification | Essential Qualification | Photograph | Pay Scale | Monthly Emoluments | Name of the Bank | Address | Account No. |
1 | Mr. Malkeet Singh | Sr. Lab. Technician | Diploma | Diploma | ![]() |
5480 – 8925 | 12480 | Indian Bank | Rupnagar | 856258082 |
2 | Mr. Rajiv Kumar | Sr. Lab. Technician | Diploma | Diploma | ![]() |
5480 – 8925 | 10567 | Indian Bank | Rupnagar | 882691582 |
Power Systems Laboratory
Power system lab is a well equipped lab having experiments in the area of power system, power protection and energy studies. The Lab is having hardware based experiments with excellent research facilities. The lab is having following important Hardware.
Hardware Based Experiments
- A three phase transmission line model with T and Pi arrangements with three phase static star and delta capacitor banks to perform series and shunt compensation study and finding A,B,C,D parameters of transmission line and its efficiency, Ferranti effect etc.
- Conventional Electromechanical and Static relays like Differential Relay, Over Current and Earth Fault, Over Voltage and Under Voltage, Negative Sequence Relays etc.
Electrical Measurement Laboratory
Measurement laboratory is equipped a latest technique of Active & Passive transducers like strain gauge, LVDT, pres-sure cell, frequency meter, thermocouple etc. Apart from these, it also has LCR meter, current transformer (CT), potential transformer (PT ), oscilloscope, ohm meter etc. The measurement laboratory also has basic infrastructure facilities for current, voltage, power, energy, resistance, inductance and capacitance measurement. This laboratory caters to the need of subject likes Measurement, Instrumentation & Basic Electrical Engineering based experiments.
Electrical Machine Laboratory
The Electrical Machine laboratory plays a very important role in the proper functioning of the Electrical Power Systems. Electrical Machine laboratory of the department has set up important experiments based on AC & DC Machines like, Induction machines, Transformers, Phase conversion, DC machines along with other conventional sets of experiments. Special feature of all these experiments is that, they are expandable and many different types of tests can be explored on a particular set up. Therefore, it is also very well suited for carrying out project work by students of B.Tech. (Electrical) and B.E. (Electrical) in the field of electrical machines and power systems.
Control System Laboratory & Power Electronics Laboratory
Control system laboratory is equipped with kits to perform experiments on PID control, speed control of DC motor and servo motor, error detector, robo-vision, robot arm, relay control, stepper motor control, microprocessor and microcontrollers. Besides these, Logic kit, PLC, compensator and digital storage oscilloscope are also available in the laboratory. The laboratory has facilities to carry out research work. It is one of the advanced laboratories of the department with power back-up facilities for process control
The power electronics laboratory has equipments with latest state-of-the-art technology. It offers simple experiments for understanding the basic concepts along with the advance facilities to conduct microprocessor, micro-controller and DSP based experiments and project works. Apart from conventional equipments, other major facilities available include HP make 4 channel digital stor-age oscilloscope with PC connectivity, Meco make energy auditor, HP make scopemeter with inbuilt multimeter in digital scope with PC connectivity. The Voltech make power analyser giving complete details of voltage, current, active-, reactive- and harmonic power, interface card to develop C/ C++ based software for hardware control, Tektronix make portable Techscope, ABB make voltage and current sensors, 80196KC and 8051 micro-controller kits for implementation of inverter control algorithms. The laboratory is well equipped even to support the students to work in the area of converters, inverters, intelligent motion control, power electronics application to power system including active filters, power factor correction
Basic Electronics & Digital Electronics Laboratory
The basic electronics laboratory is designed to conduct experiments of analog electronics and digital electronics for undergraduate students. This laboratory is equipped with high quality dual channel oscilloscopes (C.R.O.), dual power supply, function generators , digital multimeters,milliammeter micro-ammeters and also voltmeters and ammeters. Here the students are trained to identify the basic electronic devices like transistor, diode and digital ICs and their pin-configuration. The students are encouraged to lookup the analog and digital circuits on breadboard and test them using various testing equipments.
Highlights of Department
Department Activities
- The Department of Electrical Engineering organised the following educational trips for B Tech students during the last session:
- Guru Gobind singh super thermal plant Ropar, which is having capacity of 1260 MW.
- BBMB Hydro Electric Power Project, Nangal, India.
- Hydro power Station ,Nakkian ,punjab
- The faculty of Electrical Engineering organized a Six Week Training Workshop on MATLAB during 1June 2017-30 june 2017.
- The Department of electrical engineering organised the institutional training program for 1year students.
Student Acheivements
Won prize in Project Display at INNO-TECH-2015 celebrated by Pushpa Gujral Science City (PGSC) in collaboration with Punjab Technical University (March 18-20, 2015).
About the project: – LPG gas detection and automatic shutdown of electricity.
Ideal gas sensor is used to detect the presence of a dangerous LPG leak in your car or in a service station, storage tank environment. This unit can be easily incorporated into an alarm unit, to sound an alarm or give a visual indication of the LPG concentration. The sensor has excellent sensitivity combined with a quick response time. The sensor can also sense iso-butane, propane, LNG and cigarette smoke. If the LPG sensor senses any gas leakage from storage the output of this sensor goes low. This low signal is monitored by the microcontroller and it will identify the gas leakage. Now the microcontroller is turn on LED and Buzzer. After few milliseconds delay, it also turn on exhaust fan for throwing gas out.

One Day Student Workshop
- One Day Work Shop on Entrepreneurship by Associate Professor Ashutosh Sharma.
- One day work shop on Energy auditing by Dr. Ajay Goyal.
- Three day workshop on Control of Hardware using Matlab software by Dr. R.C.Kashyap.
- Three day workshop on Certified course on hydro power plant familiarization by Sourabh Mahajan and Er. Pankesh Sharma.
Electrostadia Club Activities
The department has formed a club named Electrostadia. The club organizes different events for the student that helps them to increase their aptitude level and physical Strength along with the Technical Knowledge
The various events organized by students are:
- Expert Talks
- Paper Presentation
- Technical Quiz
- Technical Debates
- Cricket Match
- Footbal Match
Activities Planned in Current Semester:
- Role Play
- Group Discussion
- Interdepartmental Football Tournament
- Mock Parliament Drills
- Quiz
- Debate
- Extempore
One-day National Seminar on “Renewable Energy Technologies and Energy “
One-day National Seminar on “Renewable Energy Technologies and Energy Conservation Methods (RETECM 2014)”sponsored by Indian Society for Technical Education was organized at Rayat Institute of Engineering and Information Technology on June 14, 2014. More than 50 faculty members, Research Scholars, Industry Personnel and Engineering Practitioners from various regions of country participated in the seminar. The various issues discussed in programme were relating to renewable energy, availability of alternate fuels, Green supply chain management, Green Engg. Technologies / Architecture, Clean Development Mechanism (Carbon credits), Renewable energy technologies for on grid electricity generation, Sustainable /renewable energy utilization, Bio-diesel production from vegetable oils, Solar energy storage systems, A new methodology to optimize solar energy extraction under cloudy conditions ,storage and handling of alternate fuels especially in automobiles.